Paediatric First Aid Basildon

Paediatric First Aid Courses in Basildon

Our 12 hour Paediatric First Aid courses in Basildon fully meet the requirements of Ofsted, the Early Years Foundation Stage and Sure Start and will ensure whether you are an individual, business or voluntary group you are compliant with your Paediatric First Aid requirements.

We offer open Paediatric First Aid courses in Basildon, as well as Chelmsford and Colchester, or we can provide on site training for groups on a day and time that is convenient to your business requirements, minimising the impact on your operations.

Our courses comply with the 2021 UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines and we use the latest state of the art equipment, and our courses are delivered in a welcoming and relaxed environment engaging delegates and creating an atmosphere where you feel confident to ask questions. The nature of this course can be sensitive with some of the material, however we approach this in a sensitive and professional manor in order to complete the training.

The details below will provide you with the information about our Paediatric Training courses in Basildon, however if you do have any questions or have specific requirements you would like to discuss with us we welcome enquiries.

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